Healing From the Inside Out

31 July 2022

Scripture: Proverbs 28 & 29

Once we give our lives to God and accept His free gift of salvation, ALL of our sins are forgiven. Sins that occurred in our past as well as those sins that will creep into our lives in the future are all paid for in full. So why does God ask us to confess those sins? When bottled up, our sin builds up. The pressure continues to build until it explodes like Mentos in soda. God is aware that hiding and concealing our sin is costly to us. Likewise, he knows that by confessing our sins and repenting of those sins, we change. He knows that our heart will change, and that will lead to healing. Listen in as we walk through Proverbs 28 and 29 to learn more about God’s strategy to provide healing from the inside out.
