Christmas At The Movies

Christmas At The Movies : Week 4

Pastor Jamey uses the popular Christmas movie, The Christmas Story, to help us understand what it we really need to be focused on during the Christmas Season. [qbutton size="medium" style="float: left;" text="Download this Message" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" fe_icon="" icon_color="" link="" target="_blank" download color="" hover_color="" border_color="" hover_border_color="" background_color=""...


Christmas At The Movies : Week 3

Pastor Jamey uses the popular Christmas movie, The Grinch, to help us understand how we can have Joy when Christmas isn't what we thought it was going to be. [qbutton size="medium" style="float: left;" text="Download this Message" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" fe_icon="" icon_color="" link="" target="_blank" download color="" hover_color="" border_color=""...


Christmas At The Movies : Week 2

Pastor Jamey uses the popular Christmas movie, Home Alone, to illustrate how our lives ought to be transformed through a true knowledge of God. [qbutton size="medium" style="float: left;" text="Download this Message" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" fe_icon="" icon_color="" link="" target="_blank" download color="" hover_color="" border_color="" hover_border_color="" background_color="" hover_background_color="" font_style=""...


Christmas At The Movies : Week 1

Pastor Jamey speaks on how we can have a Wonderful Life. Using examples from the character George Bailey, he encourages us to love our neighbor, confront temptation, and do the simple things. [qbutton size="medium" style="float: left;" text="Download this Message" icon_pack="" fa_icon="" fe_icon="" icon_color="" link="" target="_blank" download...
